perjantai 24. marraskuuta 2017


First of all, hello again. I can't believe that I was quiet for more than a year, that is a long time! I'm thinking about maybe just writing in English from now on. It's good practise and I do enjoy writing more in English. Please my Finnish people don't hate me!!

I don't really know how to continue after this long break, so let's just say that I'm doing fine right now!

I want to go back a couple of months ago, when I was back in Norway again. I think last summer was my best summer in a long time, I loved my job and met so many awesome people. 

Living in the most smallest room you could ever live, was definitely different, but the fact that I shared it with one of my best friends made it more then okay! Best roomie ever.

And you can't find those amazing landscapes anywhere else, god I miss it. I really hope that I can go back next summer again.

"Funniest" fact was that I left from Norway and I had two weeks in Finland and I had so many plans to see my friends, but none of that happened, because I had to go to a wisdom teeth surgery! I did that, recovered for a week and  went back again because they needed to remove my other wisdom teeth too. So I literally laid in bed for two weeks and travelled to Belgium for my Erasmus.

Okay now we can jump back to reality! Now I'm doing my Erasmus in Belgium. Right now I am studying in Kortrijk and in the spring I will move to Brugge. I can't believe that I came here in the beginning of September, the first semester is almost over! 

Picture time!

Parisian street art. We were just walking around and found a cool place, kind of in the middle of Paris. The whole place was filled with awesome art, but I loved these different scenarios of mouses, so cute. 
Lille, France
Day trip to Leuven. 

There are so many concerts here in Belgium, and as a lot of people now, I love all kinds of music so this is like heaven to me! I've already seen Logic (best concert I have ever been to) and Dua Lipa. Now I am looking forward to Lady Gaga in January and Khalid in February! There is going to be a lot of different concerts in the Spring, so I now where my money will go...

Pure happiness that I saw my bestie after long eight months!! 

I have so much more things that I could talk about, but this post would be too long! I also have so many pictures, but I can save them for other posts. 

I will try to update more now! I'm thinking maybe once a week. I think it's gonna be fun to read these after the Erasmus :) It's super weird to write again!! 

Looking forward for next weekend because I will have a short visit to England. 

<3 Katru 

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